
Friday, April 29, 2011

How to Save Money on Gas

MSN Money recently published an article about "5 Simple Ways to Save Gas." As it turns out, many of these are not only simple to do, but can also help you save money in other ways.

Among their tips were:
  • Turn off your car. (To me, this is a no-brainer; a car burns a lot of fuel idling. Unless it is 20° F below, turn off your engine while sitting.)
  • Drive defensively. (I love this one! My husband insists I drive like an old lady, but I tell him I'm saving gas and preventing unnecessary car repairs. This is why many over-the-road semi trucks have governors installed; to the best of my knowledge, 62 mph is the ideal speed for gas mileage.)
  • Perform necessary repairs. (Leaks and other issues—including dirty oil—decrease the efficiency of your motor, causing it to use more gas to perform at the same level. Looking for ways to save on car repairs? Check out my post on "6 Ways to Save Money on Car Repairs.")
  • Use your smartphone to find apps and other low-price gas station locations. (Just don't do this while driving, or you could find yourself with a ticket, a broken car—see above note—or worse.)
  • Get a credit card with gas rewards. (While I don't always agree that credit cards are the way to go, they can be used effectively to save—and even earn!—money. Check out my list of "6 Best Credit Cards for Rewards" or "8 Ways to Save Money on Credit Cards.")

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